Ya está disponible la versión 3.0.15 de DIVI
Os dejo los detalles de esta actualización menor:
version 3.0.15 ( updated 10-18-2016 )
– Added new keyboard shortcuts to the Divi Builder.
– Fixed some logic errors in the saving of global modules.
– Fixed an error that occurred sometimes on fresh installs related to A/B testing functions.
– Modals in the Visual Builder are now prevented from surpassing the top of the browser viewport.
– Fixed some typos in the Visual Builder.
– If a settings modal’s size or position exceeds the bounds of the browser viewport, the modal will be forced back into view automatically.
– Responsive styles set in the Theme Customizer will now render correctly in the Visual Builder when toggling responsive previews.
– The scrollbar in the Theme Customizer will be be easy to click with your mouse.
– «Make Section Fullwidth» will now work as expected for Specialty Sections in the Visual Builder.
– Improved the UX of range sliders in the Divi Builder to adapt when manual values input are greater than the default range.
– Fixed a bug that caused range input values to inherit the incorrect value when toggling responsive editing mode in the Visual Builder.
– Empty Specialty Sections will now render correctly in the Backend Builder after being added in the Visual Builder.
– Native WordPress shortcodes will now render correctly within post content inside of Blog Modules.
– Fixed visual anomaly in the Slider module when multiple true parallax slides were rendered in the VIsual Builder.
– Slider images will now appear correctly vertically centered when first loaded in the Visual Builder.
– Video URLs will now be stripped from the post excerpt in Blog modules when the video post format is being used.
– Fixed browser compatibility issues with Edge and IE 11 that affected the Inline Editor color picker.
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/app/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/ab-testing.php
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* includes/builder/styles/style.css
* includes/builder/functions.php
* css/theme-customizer-controls-styles.css
* functions.php
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También os recuerdo que tenéis la Zona Premium donde encontraréis Plugins y Temas premium para descargar, Cursos, formulario de soporte y más…
Y ya sabéis, todo esto y mucho más en Dinapyme.com.
Saludos y hasta la próxima!
Autor: Oscar Abad Folgueira
Programador y desarrollador WordPress.